The country for the bank and your address are the same as the iTunes Store country you are using? On a mobile device go to Settings > iTunes & App Store > Apple ID and check your payment information is current. You might have portably originally downloaded the apps with a different apple id, and then changed your apple id to the one that you are currently using. You entered the 3 digit security code for the card? Correctly? BillingClient provides convenience methods, both synchronous and asynchronous, for many common billing operations. BillingClient is the main interface for communication between the Google Play Billing Library and the rest of your app. Do the name, address (all spelling, letter case and punctuation), and card numbers exactly match those you have entered? You didn't mis-type anything? Once you've added a dependency on the Google Play Billing Library, you need to initialize a BillingClient instance.

If this abruptly started happening try removing and re-entering your payment information - Change or remove your Apple ID payment information. If your payment method is declined, or you have a billing issue with a previous purchase in the iTunes Store - various reasons why payment method is declined including pending purchases. Are you (still) using a valid payment method? -> Payment methods that you can use in the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store - (Discussions on this forum mention some countries do not accept debit cards, and even if they do some items cannot be purchased with debit cards.)
"when i try to download updates for free games i get a 'verification required' message that pops up and asks for updated credit card info.
Mac iOS When you purchase PDF Expert on the App Store, you get the full version with PRO. See Apples support site, Googles support site, or Amazons support site for. Solve basic billing issues and learn how subscription works. Even if you only want something that is free this will be required if you have any payment form currently on record and possibly before you can remove payment information, if desired. If you dont have any pending offline payments, delete and reinstall the app. On a mobile device go to Settings > iTunes & App Store > Apple ID and check your payment information is current.